An evening of ceremony and embodied ritual to participate with the majestic creativity of shedding and becoming.
Tuesday Oct 31st
6:15pm GMT (London time) for approx. 2.5hrs
~ 11am PDT / 2pm EDT / 7pm CET ~
with Rikke Brodin, via the online zoom temple
(*Recording will be made available if you can’t make it live)
As the darkness draws us into its sweet embrace, into its cave of the unknown, into its womb of potentiality, we too must turn in, reflect and empty ourselves to prepare for the return of the light. The celebration of Samhain (also known as Halloween), is a portal that was celebrated by the Celts as their New Year, but that we see celebrated across many cultures all over the world, and it is felt by many that at this time the veils are thin and messengers and ancestors from the other worlds make themselves known to those who dare to listen. This is a time to honour and celebrate death as we prepare for rebirth.
Like trees shed their leaves and like the snake sheds its skin, like the forest fire that prepares a fertile ground for unimaginable potential to sprout forth, like the archetypal symbol of the phoenix rising from the ashes - the death and rebirth cycle is the most prevalent in nature and used to be most sacredly honoured in all of the ancient wisdom traditions through ritual and festivals. Yet in our modern world we seem to deny the perishing dimension of creation - the dissolution before reorganisation. There is an addiction within our society for endless growth and abundance, endlessly creating ourselves anew. But to make a spacious birthing canal for this something new, we can’t bypass the process of death, that so many of us fear.
The death of ideas, the death of who you thought you were, the death of relationships, the death of a dream.
To let go of what you already know. To discover what is becoming now.
If you sense that you are being stifled by something that is no longer alive - it could be anything from a relationship to a core belief about yourself, or a general feeling of stagnancy and dullness - in this ritual we will use powerful practices to assist the shedding of what is stubbornly sticking on, using mantra, visualisation, journalling, invocation of the dark goddess, movement, breath and calling on our ancestors for guidance and protection.
It will be a ritual to commune with our ancestors, with magic, with the void, the unknown, the great Mystery that is coming into form as You.
Early Bird concession £30
Full ticket £40
(If you are more resourced in these times this last tier will support those less resourced to attend)
Rikke Brodin